Tuesday 23 November 2010

Ancillery Task 1 (DVD cover design 2)

Having gone with the ancient Egyptian theme in design 1 i decided to make an alternate design. In this design I of course went for the same band name and the same song name. In this alternate design all I changed was the centre Image. I chose the image of a timer as it symbolises 'The sands of time' and in this image all the sand has almost fallen to the bottom of the timer which creates the image that time is almost up which connects to the song title The Funeral of Hearts as the phrase time is almost up means you are close to death and following a death is a funeral.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Ancillery Task 1 (DVD cover design 1)

Having researched rock/metal album covers I came to the conclusions that rock/metal album covers used dark colours, and had mysterious designs so I thought I would include these features on the dvd cover. Taking this into account I decided to use an ancient Egyptian theme as ancient Egypt was a mysterious period of time which not much is known about, this fits in with the codes and conventions of a rock/metal album cover as they have to be mysterious and not give away much about the content of the album. The ancient Egyptian theme was also inspired by the Iron Maiden album Powerslave which used an ancient Egyptian theme and is an iconic metal album which will reinforce the metal imagery on my dvd cover as it has used the same theme and people will think of Iron Maiden which as well will reinforce the Metal imagery as Iron Maiden have been described as the godfathers of Metal.

I chose the band name Taistelu. Taistelu is the Finnish word for battle. I chose this for a number of reasons, Firstly rock/metal music is hugely popular in Finland so having a Finnish band name will reinforce and add a great deal to the rock/metal imagery on this dvd cover.

I chose the images of pyramids to represent the song title. The pyramids repesent the song title as they are where people are buried when they die and the song title is also a reference to mummification as the heart is one of the organs that was removed. I chose the image of the broken ankh as after reaserching ancient Egyptian symbolism I found out that the ankh sybolises life so I decided to break the ankh to symbolise death which reflects the title The Funeral Of Hearts as a funeral is an event that takes place after someone dies.

I have decided to use this design as the DVD cover as it uses better symbolism then design 2 and it is appealing to the eye and arouses curiosity about the content of the album which are key features to bare in mind when designing an album cover.

Initial plan 3 (music video plan)

The song i have chosen is a song by the Finnish metal band HIM, the song is titled The Funeral Of Hearts. The meaning of this song is unclear but it is of course open to interpretation. I think the connotations of this song are that the song is about how fickle love is and how heartbreaking it is when it ends. In my music video my initial plan is to have a person who is distraught at the grave of their lover and then follows the course of their mourning.