Wednesday 8 December 2010

Ancillery Task 2 (magazine advertisment for DVD 1)

After reaserching magazine advertisments for albums i noticed that many of these advertisments incorporated the album cover into them. I decided to follow this theme by including my designed album cover in my advertisment and making it the main image.

I also found that the adverts included reviews from other sources. Having found this out i decided to include three reviews from rock/metal magazines. The first review is "KKKKK" from Kerrang magazine, in Kerrang magazine the review of a certain number of "Ks" is a substatute for a certain number of stars which other things are rated by. The review of 5 "Ks" shows that
this is a top quality DVD and people will want to buy it. The second review is from the well known metal magazine called Metal Hammer, a review from this magazine will achieve great publicity for the DVD as most rock/metal fans will read Metal Hammer. The review states "The Finnish invasion starts again" this shows that the band are from the scandanavian country Finland, this will help the DVD sell as Metal bands from Finland are hugely popular in the Metal scene. The last review is from the magazine Rocksound and it says "A debut masterpiece". A review in Rocksound will make more people know about the DVD as Rocksound is more of a mainstream rock/metal magazine which means more people will read it then the amount that read rock/metal magazines that are more underground. So having a review from, and in Rocksound will advertise it to more people and therefore increase the number of potential buyers.
At the bottom of the advertisment i have included the logo for the record company Nuclear Blast Records. This is a well known metal record company that mainly has Finnish bands within it. This will be helpfull when advertising the DVD as Nuclear Blast Records is a well known record company and will achieve great publicity for the DVD.