Wednesday 19 January 2011

Storyboard for music promo video ( shot 11)

The final shot of my music video will be shot at the same locations as shots 9-10.

Storyboard for music promo video (shots 6 - 10)

Shots 6-8 will be shot at the same locations as shots 1- 5.

Shots 9-10 will be shot at these locations (Shown below)

I chose to film at these locations for shots 9-10 as the song in my music video is titled "the funeral of hearts" which suggests that some of the video will have to be shot in a romantic setting, I felt that this location with Hills and wooded areas would fit this criteria as areas of countryside like this our commonly thought of as being areas of romantic scenery. Having the castle in these shots also contributes to the characteristics of a romantic setting. The castle in my music video symbolises the age of love and how it has always been there even when some of the older things are starting to decay love is still around us and always has been.

Storyboard for music promo video (shots 1 - 5)

These are the locations I will be using for shots 1-5. I chose these locations as the area is wooded with a field next to them which will be perfect for extreme long shots and long shots as the field stretches a great distance from wooded area. These are ideal locations as I will be able to shoot from the field into the wood which is what my illustrations on my storyboard repesent. The wooded area is also a good location for the shots with the gravesight as it is a secluded area with little natural light which will be good in portraying the intended representation of my music video.

These photos are possible locations for shots 1-5

Thursday 6 January 2011

Ancillery Task 2 (magazine advertisment for dvd 2)

On this version I chose to follow the signature of album adverts by incorporating the image of the dvd cover into the advert. When designing a second version of the advert I chose to include tour dates and a special offer. I chose to include tour dates as rock/metal music is ultimately about live performences and fans going to see the band live so I thought it would fit the codes and conventions of rock/metal music by including the tour dates. Including tour dates will also make more money for the band as people are more likely to buy gig tickets if they know where the band are performing and when they are performing. Also on this design I chose to include a special offer in order to grab peoples attention. The offer on this design says that if someone buys the DVD directly off they will receive a free T-shirt before they are officially released. This will make people want to buy the DVD as Metalhammer is a well known rock/metal magazine with a widely used website which will ensure that I am advertising to the right audience. Receiving a free T-shirt that has not even been released yet will also make people want to buy as it will be seen as a very limited time offer.