Tuesday 28 September 2010

Album advert research 2

This is an advert for the Airbourne album No Guts. No Glory. Like the Queens Of The Stone Age it has the album release date but in difference to the QOTSA it includes different formats the album is availible on in addition to regular CD like digital download and special edition download. Another difference mentions a special offer, this is written on the first line of small text under the availible formats of the album. It says if you pre-order the special edition from Play.com you will get an exclusive free fridge magnet which will encourage people to pre-order and will also help promote play.com. Another difference between this advert and the QOTSA advert is that this advert includes the tour dates of the band which will make people want to see the band live and therefore will make the band earn more money then they would if they were advertising the album alone. This advert also includes the record label in the bottom right corner. This record label is ROADRUNNER Records which is a well known rock/metal record label which will also help readers to deduce the genre of music this band and album represent if all the other clues fail.

Airbourne album advert (a closer look)
This advert backs up the codes and conventions of rock/metal music album adverts by using dark colours in this case black and dark yellow. It is also following the theme of merging the album cover into the print advertisment. The album cover that has been merged into the advertisment also represents rock/metal music being a form of rebellion against other music genres. For Example:
  • The two members of the band either side of the member holding the guitar in the air are standing in a Che Guevara style pose which backs up the representation of rock/metal music being a form of rebellion as Che Guevara was part of a rebellion in Cuba.
  • Also in the centre of the far right hand side of the advert you can see striking workers which also reinforce the view that rock/metal is a form of rebellion. It also represents standing up for what you beleive in which creates the suggestion that you should stand up for rock/metal music if it is criticized.

  • On the bottom of the far left hand side of this advert you can see a truck driving through a barrier that is down which represents that rock/metal music breaks the barriers of music.

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