Wednesday 15 September 2010

Initial Reaserch (codes and conventions of music videos)


Codes and conventions of music videos

Styles of music videos
Music videos can be categorized in terms of style. Performance music videos include a band/artist playing as if they were in concert. Another style of music video is narrative music videos which is a music video where the music is played in the background of a narrative storyline. Some music videos include a mixture of both a performance and narrative music video which normally are in narrative form during the verses and then cut to performance form during the chorus, guitar solo or instrumental break. Another style of music video is a cameo music video where the band/artist feature in the narrative of the music video but do not perform. One final style of music video is an animation music video where the music video is in the style of a cartoon.

Camera work in music videos
The shots depend mainly on the style of music. There are a lot of close-ups especially in performance music videos. There are sometimes even extreme close ups of  for example the singer or of a guitar being played. Another shot that is mainly used in performance music videos is a crane shot which would be used over the stage in the video. Low angle, long and extreme long shots are mainly used in narrative and/or cameo music videos. Tracking shots are used mainly in performance music videos but also can be used in narratives and cameos. Another shot that is used a lot in music videos are pans and tilts, these add great effect in performance music videos as there can be movement between performers.

Editing in music videos
There are many different editing techniques that are used in music videos. Music videos usually feature jump cutting and Footage is edited to match the music. In terms of sound, the levels of sound in a music vidoe can be changed during the editing so that if you want to you can keep some of the diagetic sound that was captured during the filming process along with the non-diagetic backing track.

Mise en scene in music videos

The Mise en scene used in music videos, like with every other aspect can vary greatly depending on the genre of music and in the case of Mise en scene on the type of music video. Props play an important part in performance music videos, the props being performance equipment such as guitars, drums etc or maybe props in the form of band merchandise which as well as showing which band is in the video it will also help advertise there merchandise. As well as props costume also plays an important part, particularly in narrative music videos as it is used for representation purposes such as the representation of a character or group of people in the music video the type of character, group of people or general subject like most things concerning music videos depends entirely on the genre of music. These areas of Mise en scene are not as important in performance music videos or animated music videos as they are in narrative or cameo music videos.

Shooting locations in music videos
Shooting location of the video also depends mostly on the genre of music and the type of music video. For example a performance music video would be shot in a place like a concert hall or other types of music venue. A narrative music video or cameo music video would be shot in a location that fits in with what the song is about. Animation music videos do not always need real locations as the video can be set in a completely fictitious location and be completely computer generated. However if an animation music video is going to be fused with for example a narrative music video then some of the music video would have to be shot in a real location and the animated part would have to be added during the editing.

Styles of music promo video
Music promo videos differ slightly from full music videos as they are released before the full music video. some promo videos can simply include the new music video but would be availible to watch on a bands website or social networking fan page before they are available to watch on the music channels. Sometimes a few minutes into a music promo video it can cut to an interview with the band or a certain band member where questions about the music video and the band will be asked. Another form of a music promo video is where the band or one of the band members introduce the new music video.

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