Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Filming

Music Video Footage: When I began filming I realised that the locations for shots 1 to 5 were unsuitable filming locations as heavy rainfall had turned them into an area swamped in mud. I chose instead to film shots 1-5 in a church grave yard as this offered an area of great suitability for filming and also would fit the imagery of the song I was using for my music video, it also had the bonus of having gravestones which meant I did not have to spend unecessary time and effort trying to make a convincing gravestones which I would of had to of done if I decided to film at the original locations for shots 1 to 5. For my opening shot (shot 1) I chose to start with a long shot of the whole grave yard which zoomed in and panned to the right to reveal the character standing by a gravestone. I then moved on to zooming in to the character and stopping at a close up shot, the character then reveals a rose from his pocket. The rose symbolises love and the rose being placed on the gravestone shows that love does not end even if one of the people is dead. I chose this symbolism as it is easily deduced by a large audience and would not need a great deal of explanation unlike a more complicated symbolism. The next shot is a close-up shot of the rose itself I chose to do this as i thought the rose was the most important symbolisim and needed to have its own shot to portray its important significance. Following this shot i chose to do a close up with the camera tilting down to show the character placing the rose on a grave stone, and foolowing that there is a second close-up shot of the rose on the gravestone. These two shots are probably the most important shots of the whole music video. I think these are the most important as the rose symbolising love is placed on the gravestone which symbolises death/a funeral, I therefore reguard these as the most important shots as they represent the song title so strongly. I then moved on to a shot of the character walking away from the grave and down a path in the grave yard, and as he got further away the camera zoomed out gradually. I chose to do this as it symbolises moving on after mourning the loss of a loved one, this symbolism is reflected as the character gets further and further away from the grave. The next shot in the music is of the charcter walking down a secluded, treelined footpath when the character was walking towards the camera, when he passed the camera, the camera then panned to the right to film the character from behind. I adopted a simialar tactic with the next shot, with the camera waiting round a sharp corner waiting for the character. When the character came round the corner I was filming him in a medium shot that gradually turned to an extreme close up and then tracked back to come in to position behind the character, I then followed the character from behind in the form of an over the shoulder shot. The next shot of the music video footage was the shot of the character sitting on a log looking closely at piece of paper, to the audience, the piece of paper is supposed to resemble a letter either written by his dead lover or written to explain the circumstances of the death. At first we see the character reading the letter, he then looks up to reveal a sad face, and then goes back to reading. The final shot in the music video footage is the character screwing up the letter, throwing it down and then walking away. Interview at end of music video: In the interview the filming process began with filming the answers to the questions, the questions were to be added in the form of slides in the editing process, the slides would appear before the shots with the answers. Camera shots in the interview consisted mainly of high angle, low angle, extreme close ups and medium shots. I chose to include extreme close ups and medium shots in order to give the interview a personal feel in order for the person watching to feel like they are actually having a conversation with the band member. I chose the high angle and low angle shots as it again added to the conforsation effect as it the high angle and low angle shots create the illusion that the band member is having a conversation in the room.

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