Wednesday 6 April 2011

Evaluation part 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products

Ancillery Tasks

Album advert (use) By incorporating the album cover into the album advert making it the main image. Including tour dates and a special offer in order to persuade people to buy the album. Including the record company logo.Using dark colours in order to follow the connotation of Rock/Metal music as being dark and mysterious.

Album advert (challenge) Does not include a release date.Does not include the bands official website.

Album Cover (use) Uses dark colours in order to follow the connotation of Rock/Metal music as being dark and mysterious. Shows the band name and name of the album.

Album Cover (Challenge) Uses bright colours such as bright yellow and bright blue as well as more typical dark colours. Uses only symbolic representation instead of representation with a picture of the band or a cartoon.

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