Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation part 4

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillery texts?

  1. My album cover and advertisment both use mysterious artwork and my music videos opening shot is of a church and grave yard which add mystery to my music video as it does not give to much away about the rest of the video.

2. My music video is black and white during moments of sadness. This fits in well with my album cover and advertisment as both use a colour sceme consisting of mainly dark colours which reflect the nature of the music video and reflect the song title "The Funeral of hearts" as being a song about sadness.

3. On my album cover and advertisment it shows the image of a broken Ankh. The Ankh symbolises life so a broken Ankh will be a symbol of death. This fits in well with my music video as there is a shot of a rose against a tombstone which along with representing the song title symbolises death like the broken Ankh

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