Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation part 2

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,

planning and evaluation stages


  • Sony camera used to shoot music video

  • Ditgial camera used to take photos of potential locations

  • Adobe Premier Pro used to edit music video

  • Adobe Illustrator used to construct album cover

  • Microsoft Publisher used to construct album advertisment

  • Blogger used to keep a log of my work


  • Google used to research codes and conventions of music videos

  • Youtube used to find examples of the different types of music videos

  • Blogger used to keep a log of my research


  • Youtube used to get screen shots of my music video

  • Google used to obtain images for my mood boards

  • Microsoft Publisher used to construct my mood boards

  • Blogger used to construct a record of my evaluation

The planning stages did not require the use of technologies, with the exception of Blogger which was used to keep a log of my planning.

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