Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation part 3

What did you learn from your audience feedback?

  • Source of audience feedback= Opinion Poll

Question 1 shows that the majority of the people asked thought that it was obvious that my album promotion package was of the rock/metal, which shows that I had used the appropriate codes and conventions of the rock/metal visual appearence.

  • Question 2 shows that the highest number of people thoght that my album cover best fitted with the codes and conventions due to the mysterious artwork. This shows that i met with this particular code and convention but it also shows that I should of to include more dark colours to meet with the other main code and convention.

  • Question 3 shows that the best way my album advert attracts potential buyers is by including the Metal Hammer magazine name and website. This shows that by associating my album with Metal Hammer magazine it gives people a clearer idea of the type of rock/metal music and would also attract buyers who read the magazine which would make sure that the album goes to the right target audience.

  • Question 4 shows that my music video fiited with the song title the most by having the character place a rose (symbolising love) on to a tombstone. This is an encouraging result as I felt that with the song title being "The Funeral of Hearts" this reflected the song title in the best way. However it would of been better if id given the actor more time to develop character and if id given more thought into which parts should be in black and white.

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