Friday 8 April 2011

Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation part 4

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillery texts?

  1. My album cover and advertisment both use mysterious artwork and my music videos opening shot is of a church and grave yard which add mystery to my music video as it does not give to much away about the rest of the video.

2. My music video is black and white during moments of sadness. This fits in well with my album cover and advertisment as both use a colour sceme consisting of mainly dark colours which reflect the nature of the music video and reflect the song title "The Funeral of hearts" as being a song about sadness.

3. On my album cover and advertisment it shows the image of a broken Ankh. The Ankh symbolises life so a broken Ankh will be a symbol of death. This fits in well with my music video as there is a shot of a rose against a tombstone which along with representing the song title symbolises death like the broken Ankh

Evaluation part 3 continued

Question 5 shows that most people thought that the questions asked in the interview were typical of an interview with a band member of this musical genre. This shows that I met with the characteristics of the rock/metal genre and therefore it made my media text more realistic.

Evaluation part 3

What did you learn from your audience feedback?

  • Source of audience feedback= Opinion Poll

Question 1 shows that the majority of the people asked thought that it was obvious that my album promotion package was of the rock/metal, which shows that I had used the appropriate codes and conventions of the rock/metal visual appearence.

  • Question 2 shows that the highest number of people thoght that my album cover best fitted with the codes and conventions due to the mysterious artwork. This shows that i met with this particular code and convention but it also shows that I should of to include more dark colours to meet with the other main code and convention.

  • Question 3 shows that the best way my album advert attracts potential buyers is by including the Metal Hammer magazine name and website. This shows that by associating my album with Metal Hammer magazine it gives people a clearer idea of the type of rock/metal music and would also attract buyers who read the magazine which would make sure that the album goes to the right target audience.

  • Question 4 shows that my music video fiited with the song title the most by having the character place a rose (symbolising love) on to a tombstone. This is an encouraging result as I felt that with the song title being "The Funeral of Hearts" this reflected the song title in the best way. However it would of been better if id given the actor more time to develop character and if id given more thought into which parts should be in black and white.

Evaluation part 2

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,

planning and evaluation stages


  • Sony camera used to shoot music video

  • Ditgial camera used to take photos of potential locations

  • Adobe Premier Pro used to edit music video

  • Adobe Illustrator used to construct album cover

  • Microsoft Publisher used to construct album advertisment

  • Blogger used to keep a log of my work


  • Google used to research codes and conventions of music videos

  • Youtube used to find examples of the different types of music videos

  • Blogger used to keep a log of my research


  • Youtube used to get screen shots of my music video

  • Google used to obtain images for my mood boards

  • Microsoft Publisher used to construct my mood boards

  • Blogger used to construct a record of my evaluation

The planning stages did not require the use of technologies, with the exception of Blogger which was used to keep a log of my planning.

Evaluation part 1.5

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Music Video (use)

    -Uses a fading effect

    Fading effect before

    Fade effect during

    Fade effect after

    1. -Uses Jump cutting

    Music video (challenge)

    • My music video is a 100% narrative music video (This is very rare in rock/metal music videos!)

    Wednesday 6 April 2011

    Evaluation part 1

    In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

    forms and conventions of real media products

    Ancillery Tasks

    Album advert (use) By incorporating the album cover into the album advert making it the main image. Including tour dates and a special offer in order to persuade people to buy the album. Including the record company logo.Using dark colours in order to follow the connotation of Rock/Metal music as being dark and mysterious.

    Album advert (challenge) Does not include a release date.Does not include the bands official website.

    Album Cover (use) Uses dark colours in order to follow the connotation of Rock/Metal music as being dark and mysterious. Shows the band name and name of the album.

    Album Cover (Challenge) Uses bright colours such as bright yellow and bright blue as well as more typical dark colours. Uses only symbolic representation instead of representation with a picture of the band or a cartoon.